Think About it Thursday

Happy Thursday All!!

Our new Thursday thing goes like this....

I post a pic, quote, or verse....

You think about it and give me your thoughts.

It can be your first thought or you can chew on it.  Either way I want to hear from you.

Glad you stopped by!

Hope to see you again next Thursday!

Time to think.....

Photo by Tracey Padget, Life of Eucharisteo

Praying that your day will be productive, your heart will overflow with joy,
and that you will feel God's Love through the actions of someone you come in contact with today,



  1. When I looked at the tree my first thoughts were that even though something got in the way during it's growth time and caused it move away from it's intended path, it continued on it's journey upward however it could. In our lives when we encounter obtacles that cause our focus to veer away from God, we need to steer ourselves back toward Him - it doesn't matter how we look, just where we are looking.

    1. I LOVE that! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.


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