
Showing posts from 2014


The day started as ordinary as most. Up and at 'em. Off to work and running errands. Full speed on auto pilot. Moments passing by. Because, whether we notice it or not, the world still spins. Our world spins, life moves fast and children grow even faster. We easily become trapped on the Ferris wheel of "busy" and become slaves to "hurry" and "schedule". Moment after moment passes and we try to grab hold of those cherished, fleeting ones and hold them just a little bit tighter. Then come those moments that all-out-flatten us. Flatten us I suppose, so that we can only see in one direction. Up. That moment came for my niece and her young family last month. This vibrant family of 6 taking a break from the smothering Southern heat, to take a dip in the cool waters of the creek. A jump meant to be full of fun and laughs for the kids, resulted in a paralyzing injury for her husband. These however are the moments that shape us. Challeng