Recognizing God


In my reading yesterday, I came across a question.

“Do you experience Jesus Christ in the daily activities of your life?”

My mind immediately went to a conversation that I had just had with a friend. I was telling her how neat it was to see God work in the small stuff, and how He customizes His blessings to the individual person. You see the thing that blesses me may not bless you.

I’ll give you “a day in the life of me” example and we can compare notes…..

I woke up this particular day (reluctantly) with a huge sense of dread for the day that lay before me. I had too much to do and no time to do it. At the top of my list was a trip to Lowe’s (with a three year old) that was going to involve itemized lists, price comparison, hours of my time, and way to much use of my tired brain.

For those of you that don’t know the story behind this, I am in the middle of building a house while living in our travel trailer (scratch that, my husband came home and got our trailer, so now we are borrowing a trailer from our precious friends) and my husband is a thousand miles away in Pennsylvania. (I could write an entire series on this topic, but that’s a story for another day) To say that I’m bordering on crazy would be an understatement. Never mind the fact that I have some sort of disorder that makes it nearly impossible for me to make decisions. Especially when there are a gazillion paint colors, door knobs, and light fixtures to choose from!

Sorry, I’m going into a mini frenzy just recounting this day. YIKES!

Okay, back the good stuff.

On top of the trip to Lowes that I was dreading, I had a list of things that had to be done at home. I had run out of days to put off paying bills, so that had to be done, the check book had to be balanced, I had a mound of dirty clothes that had to be washed so that the girls would have uniforms to wear the next day, and I had a sink full of dirty dishes.

I know you all are saying “Well, welcome to my world!” or “That sounds like everyday at my house.” And you are so right! But for some reason this day was double crazy for me. So just stick with me I really do have a point to all this rambling.

There I was, to-do list in hand, ready to cry, when I just decide to put on my big girl britches and go to it. I started praying like I meant business….“You know what Lord, I can do this! And the reason I can do this is because I know that You’re here with me and You’re gonna get me through it! AMEN!!” (You have to read that with a matter-of-fact, nothing can stop me kind of attitude, while the theme song from Rocky plays in the back ground) I know, sooo weird, right? But hey that’s just how this ole gal's mind works some days. J

So I’m getting ready to head out the door when the phone rings. It’s my husband (the one who made the afore mentioned list). I, of course, think he’s calling to add something to “the list”. Instead, he’s called to say that he’s already taken care of it. --------------WHAT!?!?----------------Seriously girls, I heard a Hallelujah chorus playing in the background when he said that!

God sighting #1.….check!

Once I had composed myself, I got on with the rest of my tasks.

I sat down and started to pay bills.

Now I don’t know about you, but it seems like every month when I go to pay bills I’m always out of stamps or just a few stamps shy of what I need. So this means that I can’t just walk down the driveway and stick em’ in the mailbox. Noooo, this means I have to drive to town (20 mins) and buy stamps at the post office. (I know… I should better organized and more prepared, feel free to scold me in the comments) That’s just the way it seems works for me. Every month when this happens I say “I need to go get some stamps and have them for next month.” but it never happens. Anyway, guess what happened this time. When I got out my book of stamps, I had the EXACT number of stamps that I needed that day!

God sighting #2.…check!


Time to balance the checkbook.

This falls right below scrubbing the toilet on the list of “chores I dislike“.

It never fails that there are always a couple of withdrawals that the “list-maker” forgot to tell me about. Or I get interrupted in the middle of a calculation and have to start over for the fifth time, and each of the five times I’ve gotten a different total.

(OK, I just have to tell you….I am so laughing at myself right now because in print I sound ridiculous!)

So, I’m getting it balanced when I realize that (hold onto your hats) I forgot to right down a DEPOSIT. That’s right I said deposit! Woot! Woot! And on top of that, I realize that little bit has been asleep the whole time and I didn’t get interrupted one single time!

So that makes #’s 3 & 4.….check and check!!

Within just a few short hours God had shown Himself to me FOUR times!

You may look at my list of blessings and think that those things are not a big deal, but like I said He customizes our blessings to meet our needs. He meets us where we are and all we have to do is open our eyes and recognize His presence.

Just like our sweet friend Sara taught us to “Choose Joy”, I am choosing to see God in the everyday, run of the mill moments in my life. We can choose to walk through each day stuck in our routine, shackled to our “lists”, never seeing God’s work, or we can choose to live every moment in anticipation of what God is going to do next. We need to live our lives fully AWARE.

A sweet friend of my daughter taught me a new word the other day.





Gives a whole new meaning to the term “Walking around in a FOG”.

Before I go I want to share with you the prayer that was at the end of my devotion yesterday…..

Lord, I want You to be so real in my life. I know that You are willing to make Yourself know and felt in any part of my life that I will surrender to You. So I choose right now to surrender more of me so I can experience more of You in every sphere of my existence. Jesus, please have Your way in my life. Do whatever Your deem necessary to make me the kind of person I need to be to know and experience You better.

So where did you find God today?

What kind of FOG have you been walking in?

Let me hear from you!

Fill my comment box with the praises of God’s work in your life. (Even the small stuff)

So glad you stopped by today, I pray that you’ve been encouraged.



Thanking God for His Grace today,




  1. Thanking God right now for creating you and allowing you to be part of my life. One of my favorite phrases throughout the day is "it's a God-thing". We can see Him in every step of our day if we take the time to look! Thank you for reminding me and sharing a day of your life.

  2. I don't have room in this comment box to recount the ways that God has worked in the little ways to bless me every day. I think one of the big ways is how He's always providing "just enough" to fulfill our needs. I've learned to not stress about how a need will be met instead of holding onto the savings account I always depended upon to be my security.


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